Thursday, November 13, 2008

NOUNS: Home (love it!), Argyle Sweater (Black, white and Red. Whatchu know about that?!), scarf (black and white checkered. Are you shocked I am wearing one today?) Fremont Bridge (it’s next to where I work), Vitamins (need to take mine), mousepad (it looks like a rug), sunshine (Huh? In Seattle in November? UNHEARD OF!!), rain (which will come later on after the Sun says buh-bye!), CrossFit (Hitting it hard in the gym again tonight) Cleaning supplies (cleaning up MH DT tonight!), Ronald McDonald House (putting hours in on Saturday.), lunch (about to go get some) and Moleskin Notebooks (The obsession of my life!)

VERBS: Typing (as usual), driving (to mi casa to pick up workout clothes and then to get lunch), sinning (UGH! It’s one of those days where you wake up with an ungrateful bad attitude. Working on that….), cleaning (later on tonight), serving (On Saturday….and thankful for the opportunity), reading (emails), eating (about to!), writing (MOLESKIN!!!), grateful (for GRACE!), and walking (to my car. BYE!)

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