Someone rummaged through my car last night and stole stuff! STRANGER DANGER!
I am so annoyed and totally creeped out! I feel violated. I am not mad that they took stuff. Obviously they needed it more than me so whatever. What I am upset about is someone was burglarizing my house 25 feet from my front door…which happens to be a glass panel door. Awesome…one right hook to the door and you are in. Good thing I have a bat and I have been working out. You should see these guns. I am stating this right now….if anyone comes in my house they are going to get a home run swing to the skull. Ya have it coming!
Speaking of working out last night was another brutal W.O.D (Workout Of the Day) at CrossFit.
Run 800m
50 35lb kettlebell swings You take a 35lb kettlebell and bend at the knees so it is between your legs. Swing it up as high as you can and let the momentum keep it going as it swings back between your legs and you swing it up again. Do 50 of these…and keep your heels on the ground!
I am so annoyed and totally creeped out! I feel violated. I am not mad that they took stuff. Obviously they needed it more than me so whatever. What I am upset about is someone was burglarizing my house 25 feet from my front door…which happens to be a glass panel door. Awesome…one right hook to the door and you are in. Good thing I have a bat and I have been working out. You should see these guns. I am stating this right now….if anyone comes in my house they are going to get a home run swing to the skull. Ya have it coming!
Speaking of working out last night was another brutal W.O.D (Workout Of the Day) at CrossFit.
Run 800m
50 35lb kettlebell swings You take a 35lb kettlebell and bend at the knees so it is between your legs. Swing it up as high as you can and let the momentum keep it going as it swings back between your legs and you swing it up again. Do 50 of these…and keep your heels on the ground!

50 12lb “Wall Ball” You have a 12 lb soft medicine ball that you squat with. On your way up you toss it up against the wall and then catch into full squat. 50 of these…let me just say that these are NOT fun!
Run 400m
50 35lb Kettlebell swings
50 12lb “Wall Ball”
Run 800m
I finished in 22:47. Then tried not to barf… did everyone else in the class with me!
I think I am a wee bit masochist. Normal people would not PAY for someone to tell me to do these workouts!
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