What I eat and the amount of exercise I get and how much sleep I get at night greatly affects my brain juices and whether the chemicals get from point A to point B normally. That’s what Bipolar is…your brain juices get lost on the way to Point B (depressed). Or all the juices go to point B at one time in a big stampede (Manic). The diet the Naturopath gave to me when I was first diagnosed, at least according to what I can and cannot eat, is pretty much a carbon copy of this Paleo-Zone diet. So this is a natural way I can help myself to maintain a healthy and steady mental state. And avoid a continuous increase in man-made chemical meds.
So I am part of a group of ladies at my gym that are part of ‘Stella 6-Pack’. The trainers at the gym last night wouldn’t let me leave until I joined. HAHA thanks guys! You have to follow the Paleo-Zone diet (Athlete Version so more protein!) and go to the workouts 3x a week. We took our Before pics last night (shirts off BAH!) and our Afters will be taken on April 1. After we take the pics then we are going to have a party (after our workout, that is!!)
This is going to be really hard for me the first 2 weeks…but after that I should be ok.
What I can eat:
* Meat, Poultry and Seafood. The trainers at the gym said to eat meat like it’s going out of style. I like it already!!
* Veggies and lots of them
* Fruit but not too much (a lot of fruit will spike your insulin amounts because of the carbs/sugar in it so you can’t eat too much of it.)
* Eggs
* Nuts and Avocados (no peanuts as it is a legume.)
* Oils from nuts and fruit, like olive oil
What I cannot eat:
* Grains (so no pasta, no bread, no oatmeal, no rice…no no no none of that. This makes me very sad! But it won’t be for forever. I just need to get off refined foods!)
* Sugar
* Dairy (for first 2 weeks only. I can then have it in small doses. See below+)
* Beans and Soy products
* Processed meats
* Vegetable oils
* No alcohol. Red wine…waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Basically I eat like a caveman. If I cannot pick it, forage for it, or kill it then I can’t eat it. (All this foraging and killing will be done via Whole Food of course….)
+ I can have dairy because studies show that primitive cultures (who ate this way) also ingested a lot of milk based on where they lived. Example is the Masaii African tribe. They basically live off of Goats Milk and meat and they have no obesity or heart issues…+
I get one thing to cheat on and I choose my morning drip coffee with one packet of raw sugar and some cream. I won’t give that up and they said that was ok.
The fact that I am going to be accountable for taking after pics is very motivating!!
So why am I doing this? Well 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” My mental health is very dependant on my diet and exercise. I am grateful that I am ABLE to push my body in the gym like I do. Not everyone I know can walk or run or jump. I am grateful that I am healthy enough to do so. God has also blessed me with living in a place where I have access to very good, very healthy food. Why would I choose to put junk in my body when I can eat awesome, fresh, un-processed food for cheap? I view this as another way to worship God. All that I have and all that I am mentally, physically, spiritually is from Him and for Him. So I need to take care of it as a way to thank Him.
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