I live on Queen Anne Hill. We are talking a serious hill here people. There is no safe way to get down or up when there is snow and ice on the roads. I live close to work so I have been forced to make the 40 min walk to and from each day. I actually don't mind it too much. The good thing about living on a big ol' hill is that they close the roads off because no one...not even a 4x4 with super chains can get up them. So when roads close.....they soon become sled runs. WOOT!
(BTW the gray abyss looming at the end of this road is the Puget Sound. The sky and the water were the same color of gray. Very strange!)
Youtube "Queen Anne Sledding" and you should find a whole lotta ridiculous videos.
My roommate Felicia and I needed to head to Trader Joes to pick up supplies to make Lentil Stew for our neighbors and I. We decided to make it a grocery run/sledding adventure.
Now I don't own a sled. Sleds don't work very well in the rain. And since rain is usually all we get one doesn't think to invest in a sled. So F and I finagled up sled ideas. The soft luggage topper for my car sort of worked. As did cardboard boxes. Luckily, the entire neighborhood was out sledding so we were able to borrow other people's sleds for an hour or so. My favorite was the boogie board. It was pretty dangerous and you had to be willing to bail at a moments notice because there was no way to steer.

(I had to bail!)
(I had to bail!)
The best sled in terms of entertainment value was the resuable Trader Joes grocery bags we had brought along to carry our lentil stew ingredients home. LOL we laughed our A's off sledding down the hill with these.
The bags have these handy handles to help steer....well sort of!
We arrived home rosy cheeked, tired, cold, snowy, and delirious from laughing.
Oh and the Lentil Stew was DELICIOUS! But then again...everything tastes good after a few hours of sledding!
1 comment:
oh man!! i SO wish i was there with you! looks SOOO fun!
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