I planned a kid’s day on Saturday which included a trip to the Seattle Children’s Museum and the Color Me Mine paint your own pottery place. I invited my co-workers son, Bryce, to come with us.
I met my sister halfway between Spokane and Seattle (Vantage, WA. And when I mean halfway…I mean it takes 2 hours 14 mins from her house to get there and 2 hours and 12 mins from my house to Vantage. Tight!) Friday afternoon.
Shae and I got to my house around dinner time and we decided that homemade macaroni and cheese was a perfect choice for dinner. Shae wanted to use my giant fork….

Some of you know that I love scarves. I wear one everyday. And Shae wanted to get in on the scarf action so she decided to wear one of my favorites. (I do believe Luz wore this same scarf of mine during her visit to the Emerald City as well!)

Aren’t we cute!

This is Bryce, Shae, and I hamming it up for the camera. We had a blast at the museum!

We pretended we were actors in a play…

Shae drove and Bryce rode the Seattle City Transit. Kids seem to think public transportation is so cool. If only they knew that most of the buses smell like pee.


Shae getting her paint on!
Later that Evening Shae and I went to see Madagascar 2 on IMAX. It was awesome!
I thank God for my nieces and nephew. They are such blessings. I love kids period. I will jump at the chance to have an excuse to spend an entire Saturday playing! :)
shae has excellent scarf taste. :)
Looks like you had a great time!!
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